Thursday, January 14, 2010

The next guest, Jeff Blumenkrantz is wearing an apron with a picture of him and Martha on it (his face is super-imposed over Russell Crowe's lol), and it's so can tell he really is a super-fan.  He is doing a year of cooking through Martha's Cooking School book, a la Julie & Julia.  He is chronicling it all at his blog called Jeff & Martha: My Year of Cooking Fabulously.

Ok, they just cut a slice from a round cake, and Martha had an awesome tip: When you are cutting wedge slices from a round cake, don't serve the first slice, slice up two and remove the second piece. It will come out neat and perfect. Love it!

Next up was just Andrew Ritchie who is another Martha enthusiast.  They just did a really cute card craft project using yarn, that actually looks like a wannabe-crafter like me could actually do.  I'll try to link up to it later...

:) How's this live-blogging going? I don't have a cool widget for chatting like my friend Heather at Penny Pinching Mama, but I think I'm doing pretty well!